Musictime In Indonesia

The Brims

Leader: Moch. Soebijono, Saxophone: Nico Noya, Organ: Koko B. Jatmoko, Lead-Guitar: Miggie, Drums: Moch. Toha, Bass: Pramono, Rytm-Guitar: Djon Karjono

Kita Kan Bertemu LagiKita Kan Bertemu Lagi (vol. 2)

Christina Ningrum

The Brims, The Rythem Band & M.K. Group

Label: Mesra Lp-81
Top Hits Lagu-Lagu PanbersTop Hits Lagu-Lagu Panbers

Christina Ningrum

The Brims

Label: Mesra LP-75
Top Hits Lagu-Lagu PanbersTop Hits Lagu-Lagu Panbers

Christina Ningrum

The Brims

Label: Mesra Lp-85
Volume 1Volume 1

The Brims

Label: Mesra LP-54
Volume 2Volume 2

The Brims

Label: Mesra LP-71

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                                                                                                 © Chris & Dian & James